Some clouds this morning will give way to generally sunny skies for the afternoon. High 82F. Winds ENE at 10 to 20 mph..
Mostly clear. Low 73F. Winds E at 10 to 20 mph.
Angels can appear from anywhere — even dressed in dark sunglasses and driving a Ford Mustang.
My friend was going through a lot. And by a lot, I mean enough to break many people. Her husband was deathly ill. Literally. Doctors confused. His kidneys were shutting down, nothing working. A once strapping man suddenly reduced his wife to wondering whether there would be a tomorrow for them.
But angels, if you believe, do exist. And I’m not talking about white flowing robes, a 20-foot wingspan and descending to Earth as gently as a cooling hot air balloon. They might, but my friend met an angel dressed in dark sunglasses and driving a sporty Ford Mustang.
“I was exhausted,” she said. “I was driving back and forth from the hospital every day, and the price of gas was crazy. I was just so stressed out.”
She told me of waves of doctors accompanied by students coming and going from her husband’s room.
“They couldn’t figure it out — it was like his own body was attacking itself,” she said.
Days became weeks and eventually months without any breakthroughs.
One day, my friend stopped to put gas into her car.
“I’d been crying, so I put on my sunglasses to try to hide my eyes,” she said. “I’m at the station alone when a Mustang pulls up, and a man gets out. I’m trying to be calm, thinking I’m hiding behind my sunglasses.”
The man begins pumping gas into his car, and my friend does the same for hers.
“You know,” he said. “I don’t know what you are going through, but know it is going to be alright.”
My friend, stunned, didn’t know how to reply beyond a simple thank you.
“That man’s words changed everything for me at that moment,” she said. “I don’t know how he knew, but his words gave me a feeling I’d not had in a long time.”
Soon afterward, the doctor calls my friend. At the time, her husband’s kidneys were at approaching total failure. And for a healthy man, this made no sense.
“I found it,” he said. “I heard back from someone, and I believe we’ve figured it out and have a treatment plan.”
And as quickly as the body descended into a dangerous illness, it responded to the targeted therapy. The war inside her husband’s body waged against itself quieted, and his natural antibodies rebalanced, giving his kidneys the breather they needed to reboot and recover. And recover they did.
Last week, my friend’s husband returned to work. For many, considering where he lay in a hospital a few months before, the turnaround is nothing short of a God-given miracle.
And my friend knows it.
For so many days and weeks, the prognosis for her husband was a one-way street to a place she didn’t want him to go. But then, shortly after her encounter with a man in dark sunglasses and a Mustang, everything changed.
Don’t believe in angels? Just you wait.
Leonard Woolsey: 409-683-5207;
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